Corporate Governance

Committed to The highest standards

The Board and Management team at Black Cat Syndicate are committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance for our company. Not just for how we operate, but to ensure compliance with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s ‘Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations’.

We are committed to operating ethically, responsibly and in accordance with regulatory requirements. At Black Cat every activity within our organisation, from exploration through to operations and closure is guided by our operating framework.

Read our Corporate Governance Statement read our operating framework

Corporate Governance Policies and Charters

Our processes are periodically reviewed to ensure we maintain the highest standards of corporate governance.

Our Whistle Blower policy

Everyone has the right to speak up at work. Our Whistle Blower Policy is designed to encourage people to report unethical, unlawful, or undesirable conduct.

If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a person or persons connected with Black Cat Syndicate (such as a Director, officer, employee, contractor, supplier, or tenderer) has acted in such a way, we support our people in coming forward.

This includes, but isn’t limited to, conduct that amounts to:

  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Victimisation or bullying

It also includes conduct that is potentially damaging to our company, its employees, or a third party, and could look like:

  • Unsafe work practices
  • Environmental damage
  • Health risks
  • Abuse of Black Cat Syndicate property or resources

For the purposes of this policy, the Board of Directors has appointed the Company Secretary, who is externally engaged by Black Cat Syndicate, Mr Dan Travers, as the Whistle Blower Officer

The Whistle Blower Officer can be contacted at:
Telephone: (08) 9316 9100 or 0421 242 278
Address Suite: 8, 7 The Esplanade, Mt Pleasant WA 1653

If the matter at hand concerns the Whistle Blower Officer, or a whistle blower doesn’t feel comfortable contacting the Officer, they should contact the Company’s Chairman, or a Non-Executive Director instead.


What we expect from our suppliers

We’re committed to partnering with suppliers who can demonstrate that they operate under similar practises as outlined in our Supply Chain Management Policy.

VIEW Supply Chain Management Policy