Our Company

Advancing to become a multi operation Western Australian Gold Producer

Comprising approximately 3,900km² of highly prospective tenements, our project areas have proven success, producing approximately 2 million ounces of gold from both historical handheld mining and, more recently, modern methods.

There’s plenty to be excited about. So come on the journey with us. Be sure to check back in on our Announcements page to read the latest news, updates, and milestones.

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Our name, Black Cat Syndicate, has generated amazing interest. It’s different: a name that sticks in the minds of investors in an increasingly crowded space.

Superstitions about black cats can be found in cultures all over the world, and the ancient Egyptians who revered both black cats and gold. Interestingly, contrary to these superstitions, many historic, high grade gold mines around the world have been named Black Cat—possibly reflecting a touch of irony by the old timers.

Coupled with the word ‘syndicate’, a term commonly used by groups funding the early exploration and development of gold ventures in Australia, we’ve created a name that truly embraces WA’s gold heritage.

With our ASX code BC8 built around the Chinese theme of luck, Black Cat Syndicate is a play on good luck—for our investors, and for us. We’ve joined this with a distinct Australian humour, couple with a dose of respect for the early financiers that boldly made the Australian gold industry what it is today.

Operating Framework

We are committed to operating ethically, responsibly and in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules and the laws and regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions within which we operate.

At Black Cat every activity within our organisation, from exploration through to operations and closure is guided by our operating framework. Our framework sets out the way we do business and promotes our high standards of corporate governance encompassing all aspects of our business, from health and safety, environment, people, and stakeholder management including our investors and business partners.


Board and Committee Charters

Founding documents that clearly defines the respective roles, responsibilities, and authorities of our Board of Directors and Management in setting direction, management, and control of our Company and overall to deliver and uphold effective governance.

Vision and Strategy Road Map

What we want to achieve and our approach to reaching it.

Code of Conduct and Company Values

Sets our expectations of behaviour for how business is to be conducted.

Corporate Governance Policies

Responsible Mining Policies

  • Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Whistleblower Policy
  • Securities Trading Policy
  • Diversity Policy
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Continuous Disclosure Policy
  • Performance Evaluation Policy
  • Shareholder Communications Policy
  • Director Selection Policy
  • Safety, Health and Wellbeing Policy
  • Environment Policy
  • People Policy
  • Stakeholder Engagement Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Supply Chain Management Policy

Broad encompassing statements of our business intentions and commitments.

Corporate Standards and Documents

Minimum acceptable requirements to achieve policy outcomes. Corporate approval and applies to all operations / business units.

Operational Documents

Defines specific work, how it should be done and who should do it i.e. management plans, procedures, guidelines, registers. Operational / business unit approval. Site specific, applies to a specific operation / business unit.

Supporting Documentation

Materials, tools and supporting documentation to support a process i.e. forms, checklists, templates.

Explore more about our pathway to production


Our Projects

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Vision and Values

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Leadership Team

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