Company Overview
Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8) is a fast-growing Western Australian gold producer. Listed on the ASX in 2018, we have established a substantial and growing portfolio of high-grade gold resources in prime gold regions; the Paulsens Gold Operation in the Pilbara, the Kal East Gold Project east of Kalgoorlie and the Coyote Gold Operation in the Western Tanami.
First gold from the Myhree open pit at Kal East was mined in the second half of 2024, followed by first gold being poured at Paulsens in December 2024.
As production is now underway at both projects, the Company will aim to focus on cash generation and restarting exploration activities to source high margin ounces and mine life extension at each mine site.

Coyote Gold Operation

Paulsens Gold Operation

Kalgoorlie East Gold Project

Head Office
Current Projects
Key Facts
Five year vision: Resource growth to 3Moz with multiple producing assets
Comprising approximately 4,890km² of highly prospective tenements, our project areas have proven success, producing approximately 2 million ounces of gold from both historical handheld mining and, more recently, modern methods.
With two projects currently mining, there is plenty to be excited about. So come on the journey with us. Be sure to check back in on our Announcements page to read the latest news, updates, and milestones.