Advancing to become a multi operation Western Australian Gold Producer

Comprising approximately 3,900km² of highly prospective tenements, our project areas have proven success.

Company Overview

Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8) is a fast-growing Western Australian gold explorer. Listed on the ASX in 2018, we have established a substantial and growing portfolio of high-grade gold resources in the prime Western Australian gold regions of Eastern Goldfields, Eastern Pilbara, and the Tanami.

Our vision is to become a multi-operation gold mining company creating value and opportunities for our stakeholders through creative thinking and responsible practices.

Since listing, we have rapidly added to our Resource base, which now stands at over 2.5 million ounces and continues to grow, more recently we have entered into the development and mining phase at two of our three WA projects.

We aim to move quickly to self-sustaining operations to continue to grow and deliver value to our employees, shareholders, and the communities in which we operate.

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Coyote Gold Operation

Paulsens Gold Operation

Kalgoorlie East Gold Project

Head Office

Current Projects

Key Facts

Control 3,900km² and three high-grade operations in prime WA gold regions

Resources >2.5Moz with a target to increase
Resources to 3Moz within 5 years

Own the only gold milling infrastructure in the Ashburton and Western Tanami regions

Active explorer, running multiple exploration campaigns over numerous near-mine and regional targets

Advance towards a low risk and low capital restart of operations to provide internal cashflows to drive growth

Paulsens Gold Operation

Our 100% owned Paulsens Gold Operation is located in the Ashburton Basin in the Eastern Pilbara region. Historical high grade UG operation that has produced > 900 koz.

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Coyote Gold Operation

Our 100% owned Coyote Gold Operation is located in the Tanami gold region, which is host to several multimillion-ounce gold deposits including Callie (14Moz Au), the Tanami Goldfield (3Moz Au), and Groundrush (1.7Moz Au).

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Kal East Gold Project

Our 100% owned Kalgoorlie East Gold Project (Kal East) is located to the east of the world-class mining centre of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia.

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Five year vision: Resource growth to 3Moz with multiple producing assets

Comprising approximately 3,900km² of highly prospective tenements, our project areas have proven success, producing approximately 2 million ounces of gold from both historical handheld mining and, more recently, modern methods.

With two projects currently mining, there is plenty to be excited about. So come on the journey with us. Be sure to check back in on our Announcements page to read the latest news, updates, and milestones.



From inception, our company has attracted a passionate and dedicated team of individuals who share our vision and live by our values and Code of Conduct. Our values are critical to the way we do business, and the Black Cat Syndicate Code of Conduct develops our behaviours actions and decision making by providing a clear and distinct foundation from which to grow.